Friday, March 15, 2013

I am now a little more than a month into orientation.  I started on my unit 2 weeks ago.  I had three pts the last week, I will get four next week.  My unit is a behavioral med/surg unit...we get everything and everybody is crazy (not just the staff). I'm loving it.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

There were some hairy the time my paper was due to be submitted online by midnight and I was still working on my careplan at 11:45 pm. Or the time when I got a phone call at 7 am on a clinical day from my sister. She called to let me know my brother had died during the night. I actually went to pre-conference and fully intended to go to my clinical instructor was having none of that! I did it though...I earned my BSN.

Everything fell into place so nicely at the end. A month before graduation, a full 3 weeks later than just about everyone in my cohort, I submitted my application and resume at the medical center my school is affiliated with. The next day nurse recruiting called and asked me to come in that day. I shadowed on my first choice unit and interviewed on the spot. 2 days later I had a job offer (which I accepted).  I took the NCLEX 3 weeks after graduation, it shut off at the minimum number of questions and I cried on the way home.  I passed!

It is official.  I am a brand new, baby RN. Orientation starts in 16 days and I can't wait!